I wanted to take a moment and touch base with all of our customers in reference to our approach and preparation for disease control in the wake of the coronavirus news coverage.
We are taking a proactive approach to ensure we are safe, smart, and sensible.
You can feel SAFE at our facilities as we take measures to be exceptionally clean above and beyond our already strict standards of cleanliness. All surfaces that can be touched by hand are being sanitized at the end of morning AND at the end of evening shifts. This includes all door handles, toilet and changing partition handles and locks, benches and chairs, drinking fountains, and front desk surfaces. All cleaning is done at or above CDC standards.
We do have the advantage of operating in chlorinated water. Our chemical levels are checked three times per day to ensure the proper balance. Chlorine is effective in stopping the spread of the coronavirus and it can not be transmitted through properly chlorinated water.
Let’s all be SMART as we move forward and adhere to common standards of hand washing, avoiding unnecessary touching of other's hands, avoid touching your face without washing your hands first, and staying home if you feel ill. Our instructors are now required to wash their own hands before every shift. Hand sanitizer is available at our schools as long as we can purchase it, but we have ample supplies of soap. WASHING YOUR HANDS IS THE EASIEST WAY TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DISEASE.
Let’s also be SENSIBLE. While the spread of this virus is serious, let’s understand one key fact. This virus is not killing children. While it is dangerous for the elderly, it simply isn’t a fatal sickness for children who are otherwise healthy.
The flu is far more dangerous for children as it relates to death or critical illness. Let’s be vigilant in stopping the spread of all communicable illnesses. These measures will help and give us confidence to continue to be safe, smart and sensible without crippling our daily lives.
Thank you,
David Tait
EVO Swim School
RIO Swim Club
480-404-6191 office
Or register via phone 480-404-6191