As summer approaches and the weather heats up, our minds naturally are drawn to water. Swimming has many advantages, below are our top three unexpected benefits of learning how to swim.
Learning to swim is a life saving skill. Drowning is one the leading causes of death for children. During swimming lessons children learn to have a healthy respect for water. They are challenged to learn how to follow rules which indirectly save lives and prevent tragedies.
Learning to swim gives children a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities. Learning to swim isn't easy. When a child figures out how to swim, their confidence grows and swimming becomes fun! We often see children begin lessons terrified of the water and within a matter of weeks they are loving it. Supporting them through this challenge (not bailing them out) is key to their ability to adapt, learn, and succeed.
It’s not always easy to get kids excited about exercising, but when they’re in the pool they barely notice how much exercise they’re actually getting. Have you ever noticed how hungry you get after swimming? It's a positive strain on the body without really noticing it.
Contact our office at (480) 404-6191 to inquire more about swimming lessons at EVO Swim School.
Or register via phone 480-404-6191