All Porpoise/Dolphin stroke lesson swimmers are invited to attend our "Mini Meets". This is an excellent opportunity for your child to get exposure to swimming as a sport in an appropriate setting for entry-level experience.
We would love to see your posts while at the mini-meet! Tag us @EvoSwimSchool
When: Saturday, March 15th
Time: 1:30 PM - ages 6 and under
2:00 PM - ages 7 and older
Where: EVO SanTan Gilbert location on Pecos & Greenfield
*If you RSVP watch for the email the Friday before the meet with the final details on start time & location, in the event of any changes!*
PLEASE RSVP no later than Wednesday, March 12th by replying to this email. TO BE ENTERED, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:
1. child’s name
2. child’s DOB
3. male or female?
4. is this their first swim meet with our team?
Additional details...
1. Mini meets only typically last 30 to 45 minutes
2. Each child will swim two races the WIDTH of the outdoor pool (18 yards) - barbell kick race and a freestyle race
3. Ribbons will be awarded to all swimmers after each race
4. The entry fee will be $10 per child will be invoiced and collected on the 15th of the next month
Let us know if you have any questions!
EVO Swim School
Or register via phone 480-404-6191